Sinus Surgery
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    Sinus Surgery in India

    Sinus surgery is a medical procedure to address chronic or severe sinus conditions that do not respond to conservative treatments. The sinuses are:

    • Hollow spaces in the skull lined with mucus membranes.
    • Playing a crucial role in air filtration.
    • Mucus production.
    • Drainage.

    When the sinuses become blocked or inflamed due to various factors such as allergies, infections, or structural abnormalities, it can lead to persistent symptoms like facial pain, nasal congestion, headaches, and difficulty breathing. Sinus surgery aims to alleviate these symptoms by removing obstructions, correcting structural issues, and improving sinus drainage. The procedure is available in India using traditional open surgery or minimally invasive techniques such as endoscopic sinus surgery. It is typically under an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist) and may involve removing nasal polyps, widening sinus openings, straightening deviated septums, or addressing other particular issues. Sinus surgery can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from chronic sinus conditions, providing long-lasting relief and restoring proper sinus function. However, as with any surgical procedure, some potential risks and complications can arise, so all queries should be understandable by the healthcare professional before surgery.

    Sinus surgery – Symptoms

    Sinus surgery is a medical procedure to alleviate chronic sinusitis, a condition characterized by inflammation and infection of the sinus cavities. Before considering surgery, individuals typically experience many bothersome symptoms that significantly impact their quality of life. These symptoms may include persistent nasal congestion, facial pain or pressure, headaches, postnasal drip, difficulty breathing through the nose, reduced sense of smell or taste, and frequent sinus infections. When these symptoms persist despite conservative treatments like medications and nasal irrigation, sinus surgery may be recommendable to improve sinus drainage and alleviate the underlying issues causing chronic sinusitis.

    When Is Surgery Needed?

    It depends on the cause.

    Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses that causes congestion and discomfort. Several conditions can block your nasal passages and cause this condition. Some of these are:

    • Infections by bacteria, fungi, or viruses
    • small growths called polyps in the lining of the sinuses
    • Allergies deviated septum, meaning a crooked wall in between your nostrils

    Tell your doctor if you don’t get relief from your medicine, nasal rinses, or other treatments. They may send you to a specialist.

    Surgery may be an option if a different organ, polyps, or other structural problems cause your sinusitis.

    The primary goal of sinus surgery is to relieve symptoms and reduce infection. If they return, you probably have something in your nose that can be treated surgically.

    Surgery can also help you breathe better through your nose. Surgery may also help if the pain is severe enough to affect your sense of smell or taste.

    Reasons for sinus surgery

    The surgery aims to remove anything blocking the blood vessels in the well. And that may include removing the following:

    • thin pieces of bone
    • mucous membranes
    • nasal polyps
    • swollen or damaged tissue
    • Tumors or growths blocking the nose or sinuses

    A person may need sinus surgery to treat many problems, including some common causes of sinusitis and nasal polyps.


    Sinusitis is inflammation of the nose or sinuses. It is sometimes called a sinus infection. Patients with sinusitis may experience the following symptoms:

    • stress around the nose, eyes, or head
    • a stuffy nose
    • thick and discoloured nasal drainage
    • a cough
    • head congestion and headaches
    • bad-tasting postnasal drip
    • blocked ears or changes in hearing

    Nasal polyps

    Nasal polyps are inflammation of the nasal mucosa in the nose and nostrils. They vary in size, but most are teardrop-shaped.

    Larger polyps or clusters may lead to breathing issues and affect someone’s sense of smell. They can also clog a person’s wound, causing an infection.

    Some people may not have symptoms of nasal polyps. However, common ones include:

    • stuffy nose, difficulty breathing
    • a runny nose
    • recurrent sinus infections
    • postnasal drip
    • reduced sense of smell or taste
    • facial pain
    • headaches
    • snoring
    • sleep apnea

    Other reasons

    Sinus surgery may also be recommendable because of other diseases, persistent blockages, growth abnormalities, and other problems that cause pain in the sinuses and nasal passages.

    Sinus surgery – Pre-procedure

    Before sinus surgery, several tests and evaluations are typically in line to ensure the appropriateness and safety of the procedure. These pre-procedure assessments aim to gather essential information about the patient’s overall health, identify any underlying conditions, and determine the specific nature of their sinus problem. Firstly, a detailed medical history is known, which includes information about allergies, previous surgeries, current medications, and any existing medical conditions. Following the test results, the patients need to undergo a physical examination, where the doctor examines the nasal passages, sinuses, and facial structures to assess the severity of the condition. In a few cases, imaging studies like CT scans or MRIs may be included in tests to provide a more detailed visualization of the sinuses.

    Additionally, an allergy testing force is recommendable to identify any specific allergens that could put to sinus inflammation. Finally, in certain situations, a nasal endoscopy may be performed, involving the insertion of a thin, flexible tube with a camera into the nasal passages to evaluate the range of the sinus blockage or abnormalities. Based on the results of these tests, the surgeon can determine the most suitable surgical approach and discuss the potential risks and benefits with the patient.

    Sinus surgery – During the procedure

    Many types of procedures are usable during sinus surgery depending on the intensity and nature of the sinus condition. The selection of the specific process is determinable by various factors, including the patient’s age, the sinus problem stage, and the symptoms’ underlying cause.

    Types of sinus surgery include:

    • functional endoscopic surgery
    • turbinate reduction surgery (usually in combination with other procedures such as septoplasty)
    • Balloon sinusplasty (also known as sinus dilation surgery)
    • Polypectomy
    • Image-Guided Surgery

    Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS): FESS is the most common type of sinus surgery. The procedure begins using an endoscope, a thin, flexible tube with a camera attached. The surgeon uses the endoscope to visualize the sinuses and remove any obstructions, such as nasal polyps or inflamed tissue, causing sinus blockages and symptoms. FESS is typically recommendable for individuals with chronic sinusitis or nasal polyps.

    Turbinate reduction surgery: improves airflow in people with chronic nasal obstruction. Your surgeon reduces the size of your turbinates (small, bony structures inside your nose) by removing excess tissue. If non-surgical treatments do not resolve the problem, the specialist’s doctors often advise turbinate reduction surgery.

    Concha reduction is a surgical procedure otolaryngologists perform to improve airflow in patients with nasal congestion. This procedure is also known as turbinate reduction and turbinate reduction. (When surgery is on both sides of the nose, it is called bilateral turbinate reduction.)

    Turbinate reduction, or turbinectomy, is a surgical procedure to address nasal airway obstruction caused by enlarged nasal turbinates. The turbinates are structures located on the side walls of the nasal cavity and help to humidify and filter the air we breathe. However, when they become enlarged, they can block the nasal passages, leading to difficulty in breathing and other related symptoms.

    The different types of turbinectomy procedures a patient can undergo depend on the severity of the turbinate enlargement and the patient’s specific needs. These procedures aim to reduce the size of the turbinates, allowing for improved airflow through the nasal passages. Here are some common types of turbinectomy:

    1.MicrodebriderSubmucousturbinectomy: In this procedure, the surgeon removes a portion of the turbinate’s bone and soft tissue while leaving the mucous membrane intact. This technique is often in use for moderate turbinate enlargement.

    1. Total turbinectomy:As the name suggests, this procedure completely removes the turbinate. It is typically only for severe cases of turbinate enlargement where other conservative treatments have failed. However, total turbinectomy is less common in procedures due to the potential risk of causing excessive dryness and crusting in the nasal cavity.
    2. Partial turbinectomy:In this technique, a portion of the turbinate is removed, usually targeting the most obstructive area. The surgeon may use various tools such as microdebriders or lasers to carefully trim and reduce the size of the turbinate while preserving its function.
    3. Radiofrequency turbinate reduction (RFR):RFR is a minimally invasive procedure using radiofrequency energy to shrink and remodel the tissues. The surgeon applies controlled heat energy to the turbinate, causing thermal injury and subsequent tissue reduction. RFR is often preferred for mild to moderate turbinate enlargement as it offers a quicker recovery than traditional surgical methods.
    4. Cauterization. A few blood vessels are closed in the turbinate using a heated probe placed inside the nose. It reduces blood flow, which causes the turbinate tissue to contract.

    It’s important to note that the choice of turbinectomy procedure depends on several factors, including the severity of turbinate enlargement, individual patient needs, and the surgeon’s expertise. Each technique has its advantages and potential risks, and the specific procedure recommended will be determinable by the otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist) after a thorough evaluation of the patient’s condition.

    How painful is turbinate reduction?

    The turbinate reduction can be a discomforting experience for some people for at least some days, but it can be minimal. You might experience more uneasiness if your turbinate reduction treatment is in blend with other procedures. Take all medications exactly as your healthcare provider prescribes to ease your symptoms.

    Before considering turbinectomy or any nasal surgery, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified medical professional who can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan based on individual circumstances.

    Balloon Sinuplasty: This minimally invasive procedure involves using a small, flexible balloon catheter to open up blocked sinus passages. The balloon is inflated into the sinuses, which helps widen the passages and restore normal drainage. Balloon sinuplasty is often suitable for individuals with mild to moderate sinus issues and can be performed under local anaesthesia.

    Polypectomy: A polypectomy is a medical procedure to remove a polyp, a growth inside one of your organs or body cavities. Polyps can be cancerous or benign (noncancerous). They’re usually mild or non-cancerous, but your healthcare provider may be unable to tell until they remove them. Some polyps are “precancerous,” meaning they are not currently cancerous but may become cancerous later in life.

    Why is a polypectomy done?

    You should have the polyps removed if:

    • Causes symptoms or complications.
    • Looks cancerous or precancerous.
    • Test is necessary.

    Many doctors recommend removing all polyps as a precaution. Even polyps that don’t appear to be cancerous, precancerous, or cause symptoms can continue to grow and change and become problematic later on.

    Image-Guided Surgery: In cases where the sinus disease is more complex or extensive, image-guided surgery may be necessary. This procedure uses real-time imaging techniques, such as CT scans, to help the surgeon navigate and precisely target the affected areas during the surgery. Image-guided surgery benefits patients with severe or recurrent sinusitis, sinus tumours, or structural abnormalities.

    The criteria for selecting sinus surgery as a treatment option may vary depending on the individual case. Common factors considered include:

    • The severity and duration of symptoms.
    • The failure of conservative treatments (e.g., medications, nasal irrigation).
    • The impact of sinus problems on the patient’s quality of life.

    Age alone is not a strict criterion for selection, as sinus surgery can be performed on both adults and children, although the techniques and considerations may differ slightly. The stage of the sinus problem, such as the presence of nasal polyps or the extent of sinus blockage, may influence the choice of procedure and surgical approach. Ultimately, the appropriate surgical procedure selection is determined through a thorough evaluation by an ear, nose, and throat specialist or an otolaryngologist, who will consider the individual’s specific circumstances and tailor the treatment accordingly.

    Sinus surgery – post-procedure

    After sinus surgery, following proper post-procedure care is crucial to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. The patient may experience discomfort, swelling, and congestion in the nasal passages, which can be manageable with prescribed pain medications and nasal sprays. Keep the head elevated while resting to reduce swelling and promote better drainage. The patient should avoid blowing their nose forcefully and instead gently clean the nostrils with saline rinses. Physical activities that could stress the sinuses, like heavy lifting or bending over, should be avoided during the initial recovery term. Maintaining proper hydration and consuming a balanced diet are essential to support the healing process. Regular follow-up visits by the surgeon will let monitoring of progress and adjustment of someone’s medications or treatments as needed. Adhering to these post-procedure care instructions will help ensure a faster and smoother recovery from sinus surgery.

    Following surgery, keep in mind the following:

    • Sleep with your head up, perhaps with an extra pillow.
    • Keep your nose shut for a week.
    • Open your mouth as wide as possible while sneezing. It will cause some pressure from your nose.
    • You may have a symptomatic fever but will feel better for a few days post the procedure.
    • Note that sinus surgery does not necessarily cure sinusitis. Instead, you can consider it part of your overall treatment plan. For example, you may get a sinus infection from time to time. In the days following the surgery, your doctor will recommend that you treat your condition with saline, antibiotics, or other medications.
    • While surgery won’t permanently cure your sinus problems, it can help you breathe better.

    Sinus surgery – risks and complications

    Like any surgical procedure, sinus surgery carries certain risks and the possibility of complications. While it is generally considered safe, patients must be aware of potential adverse effects. Some common probabilities include bleeding, infection, or adverse reactions to anaesthesia. There is also a possibility of injury to surrounding structures, such as the eyes or brain, although this is rare. Nasal obstruction or scarring may occur, leading to reduced airflow or a need for revision surgery.

    Patients may sometimes experience changes in their sense of smell or taste or develop empty nose syndrome, which causes persistent discomfort and nasal dryness. Additionally, there is a chance of recurrence of sinus conditions or persistent sinusitis after surgery. Patients must have a thorough discussion with their surgeon about these risks and potential complications before deciding to proceed with sinus surgery.

    Complications that can be during sinus surgery are usually rare and include the following:


    Bleeding can occur in the 24 hours just after surgery. But sometimes, it happens days or weeks later. If a clot develops within the bony partition between the nasal passages, commonly called the septum, it must be removed by the doctor.

    Intracranial complications

    The septum is attached to the roof of the nose. This thin layer of bone has a probability of damage during nose surgery. However, this is a rare case.

    Brain fluid can leak into the nose and, in severe cases, lead to an infection in the brain’s lining, such as meningitis. While this issue is scarce, it is often identified and repaired during the initial surgery.

    Damage to the eye or surrounding tissue

    As the sinuses are so close to the eye, bleeding can sometimes occur in the eye. It occurs when the thin bone that separates the sinuses from the eye is damaged. This condition is rare and is usually diagnosed and treated during surgery.

    In rare cases, blurred vision and blindness are in reports. There have also been sparse reports of damage to the muscles that move the eye, which can cause temporary or permanent vision loss.

    Other conditions can cause changes in the tear process, which can cause excessive tearing.

    Changes to a person’s voice

    Sinuses affect the resonance of a person’s voice. Complications of sinus surgery can cause changes in a person’s voice.

    Loss of smell or taste

    After sinus surgery, the person’s sense of smell often improves due to the re-activation of the airflow. However, it can rarely worsen pain due to inflammation or infection. It is temporary more often but can prolong in a few cases.


    Dealing with sinus infections is the reason for sinus surgery. People with sinusitis may develop different infection types in the area due to surgery.

    However, if the person does not undergo surgery due to chronic pain, this problem may still occur.

    Nasal issues

    Sinus surgery usually improves airflow. However, in rare cases, surgery can make the situation worse. A small amount of tissue may also form in the nasal cavity, requiring another incision.

    Alternatives to surgery

    Before resorting to surgery, a doctor will attempt various other treatments. A range of medications may be issued, as well as other procedures that may improve symptoms.

    These other treatments include:

    • antibiotics
    • nasal saline rinses or sprays
    • nasal decongestant sprays
    • nasal steroid sprays
    • oral steroids
    • allergy medications
    • antihistamines

    Top Doctors for Sinus Surgery in India 

    When you are in need of the best sinus surgery surgeon in India for effective treatment, care, and a reasonable budget Al Afiya’s team is here for you. The sinus doctors in India are well-trained and experienced in handling critical and sensitive cases, creating a benchmark for the country with their skills for treatment. With abundant experience and knowledge, the best doctors in India plan a suitable treatment for the patient, which can prevent adverse effects and more benefits through the treatment procedure. The expert team at Al Afiya medical tourism is available 24/7 to help people reach the best doctors for sinus surgery in India. It is necessary to consult a good specialist doctor and understand the condition and need for surgery.

    Given below is the list of some best doctors for sinus surgery.

    • Dr A P Singh
    • Dr A Sudha
    • DrAanchal Mittal
    • DrAbhik Ghosh
    • Dr Ajay Kr Arya
    • Dr M MShareefhyd
    • Dr Ajay Manickam
    • DrAkriba Ahmed
    • DrAmeet Kishore
    • Dr. N. Rajasekharamhyd
    • Dr.(Prof.) Ameet Kishore, Apollo Hospital, Delhi

    Top Hospitals for Sinus Surgery in India 

    Treatment for any disorder is crucial for the patient and relatives so opting for the best sinus surgery hospital in India are necessary. The top hospitals in India are well-equipped with the latest technological procedures for faster recovery and apt treatment. As the medical treatments in India are at an excellent level, the country is now among the best medical service providers in the world. To find the hospital according to the patient’s requirement, you can contact Al-Afiya Medical Tourism which is on service 24/7 and round the clock. Al-Afiya has coordination with the top hospitals, so it is up to patients to avail of the treatment as per the requirements.

    The top hospitals for sinus surgery are in the list below

    Medanta hospital, Gurguram, Delhi, India

    Max Hospital, Delhi, India

    Fortis hospital,            Gurguram, Delhi, India

    Artemis Hospital, Gurguram, Delhi, India

    Sanar International hospital, Gurguram, Delhi, India

    BLK Max super-speciality Hospital, Delhi, India

    Manipal Hospital, Dwarka, Delhi

    Metro Hospital, Faridabad, India

    Morengo hospital, Gurguram, Delhi, India

    Apollo Hospitals, Delhi, India

    Kims Hospital, Hyderabad, India

    Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, India

    Cost of Sinus Surgery in India

    The treatment cost can be a heavy burden on pockets, but the same is not the case for people taking medical treatments from India. The treatment cost of sinus surgery in India is very reasonable while maintaining standard quality and care throughout the procedure though, the cost can differ from one state to another. Generally, the approximate cost of sinus surgery in India can range from Rs. 45,000 to Rs. 70,000. In many cases, hospitals also support medical insurance policies to lessen the total cost incurred. India has a huge range of top hospitals across the country as Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Chennai and more states that provide outstanding services at reasonable costs. However, Al-Afiya is always at help for you, anytime to help, support and guide you throughout the treatment.

    Minimum cost (approx)Rs. 17,000

    Average cost (approx) Rs 46,094

    Maximum cost (approx) Rs. 90,000

    Hyderabad from Rs.80,000 to Rs.1,50,000

    Delhi from Rs.45,000 to Rs.70,000

    Bangalore from Rs.41,000 to Rs.95,000

    Mumbai from Rs.35218 to Rs.76238

    Sinus Surgery

    Top Sinus Surgeons in India

    Sinus surgery is a very critical and costly surgery in foreign countries therefore, people prefer doing this one in India. Hence, we at Al Alfiya Medi Tour are here to assist you with the best doctors in India for your sinus surgery if you want one. We are available around the clock and have contacts with the top-notch doctors available in the prime cities of the country. Therefore, if you want any help, contact Al Alfiya Medi Tour: Your top medical tourism company in India.

    Sinus Surgery

    Best Sinus Surgery Hospitals in India

    As mentioned earlier, sinus surgery requires a lot of skills and is very costly; hence finding a suitable hospital is crucial. If you are a foreigner and looking for this surgery in India then you are well aware finding a renowned hospital with the best services is not an easy task. Don’t worry! We at Al Alfiya Medi Tour assist you with services that are unparalleled in quality, very standardized, and completely genuine to our patients.Al-Afiya has formed partnerships with a number of highly regarded hospitals, including Fortis, Apollo, Medanta, and Manipal, amongst others. This broadens the scope of our capabilities and gives patients a variety of options to select from when it comes to their sinus surgery costthat offers excellent value for the money spent.

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      Sinus Surgery

      Cost of Sinus Surgery in India

      There is a possibility that the sinus surgery costin India might range anywhere from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 75,000 on average. However, the price of sinus surgery in India may vary from city to city and hospital to hospital due to the country’s vast diversity. According to the findings of one research from 2021, the endoscopic sinus surgery cost in Indiamay vary anywhere from around $3,600 to more than $10,500. Continuing with medical treatment was more expensive than just having the procedure done. The fact that FESSSurgery may include more than one operation is one of the factors that contribute to the variability in prices.

      Sinus Surgery

      Success Rate of Sinus Surgery in India

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