Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy PNCL Surgery
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    Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) for Kidney Stones – Surgery, Procedure, Cost, Success Rate and Recovery

    Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is a cutting-edge, minimally invasive surgical procedure widely used to remove kidney stones effectively. This procedure involves accessing the kidney through a small incision in the back, allowing for the precise removal of kidney stones. One of the prime advantages of PCNL is its minimally invasive nature. Unlike traditional open surgery, PCNL involves smaller incisions, resulting in less pain, faster recovery, and minimal scarring in patients. When treating kidney stones, seeking care in renowned hospitals is crucial. Specialized urology departments equipped with advanced technology and experienced medical professionals ensure patients receive the highest quality care and optimal outcomes. The hospitals in India act as leading healthcare providers in the world. India has established itself as one of the best hospitals for PCNL. The hospitals in India boast highly skilled, experienced and trained urologists specializing in PCNL treatments. These experts possess extensive knowledge and expertise in performing PCNL procedures, ensuring safe and effective treatment.

    Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy is a minimally invasive (surgical) procedure. It has gained popularity as a highly effective treatment for kidney stones. This procedure involves making a small incision in the back to access the kidney and remove or break down the kidney stones.

    Benefits of PCNL over other treatment options include:

    High success rate: PCNL has shown remarkable success in treating kidney stones, particularly larger-sized or complex stones that are difficult to manage effectively through other non-invasive methods. It boasts a success rate of approximately 90% in stone clearance.

    Minimally invasive: PCNL is considered a minimally invasive procedure as it avoids the need for large incisions. Instead, it utilizes a small incision and specialized instruments to access and treat the stones. This procedure leads to less trauma to surrounding tissues, less post-operative pain, and quicker recovery than traditional open surgeries.

    Comprehensive stone removal

    PCNL allows the removal of large kidney stones in a single procedure, making it a highly efficient treatment option. Using fluoroscopy or ultrasound guidance enables the urologist to visualize the stones directly and break them down or remove them.


    PCNL is highly effective in treating various kidney stone types, including calcium oxalate stones, struvite stones, and uric acid stones. It is useable for stones in different parts of the urinary system, such as the kidney, including the renal pelvis, calyces, and upper ureter.

    Reduced recurrence rates

    PCNL has associations with lower stone recurrence rates comparable to other treatment options. Eliminates or fragments the stones completely, so as a result reducing the likelihood of residual particles, which can lead to future stone formation.

    Improved quality of life

    PCNL provides significant relief from the symptoms caused by kidney stones, such as severe pain, urinary tract infections, and obstruction. Effectively treating the stone, it improves patients’ overall quality of life.

    Shorter hospital stay

    Compared to traditional open surgeries, PCNL typically requires a shorter hospital stay. Patients can expect to get discharged in 2-3 days.

    Patient Satisfaction

    PCNL offers highly successful treatment outcomes, reduced pain, faster recovery, and improved quality of life. PCNL has revolutionized the management of kidney stones, offering patients a minimally invasive and highly effective solution.

    PCNL Symptoms: Common Signs and the Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment

    Recognizing the symptoms and seeking early diagnosis and treatment is crucial for managing kidney stones and preventing complications. This section will explore the common symptoms and signs that necessitate PCNL intervention and emphasize the significance of early diagnosis and treatment.

    Common Symptoms of Kidney Stones:

    Severe abdominal pain

    Kidney stones can cause intense back, side, or lower abdomen pain. The pain may fluctuate in intensity and radiate to the groin or genital area.


    The presence of blood in urine is a common symptom of kidney stones. Urine can appear red, brown or pink.

    Frequent urination

    Kidney stones can irritate the urinary tract, leading to frequent urination.


    The urge to urinate may be persistent and urgent due to the presence of kidney stones.

    Painful urination

    Discomfort or a burning sensation while urinating is another symptom of kidney stones.

    Cloudy or foul-smelling urine

    Kidney stones can cause changes in urine colour and odour.

    Additional Signs Indicating PCNL Intervention:

    Obstructed urinary flow

    Kidney stones may block the urine flow resulting in urinary retention or difficulty urinating.

    Nausea and vomiting

    Severe pain during kidney stones can be a cause of vomiting and nausea.

    Fever and chills

    A kidney stone leads to an infection, fever and chills may be present.

    Criteria for Patient Selection:

    Patient selection is a crucial aspect of PCNL to ensure optimal outcomes. The following criteria can is advisable when determining the suitability of a patient for PCNL:

    Stone Size

    PCNL is most effective for stones larger than 2 cm in size. Smaller stones can are better treatable with alternative procedures.

    Stone Composition

    The type of stone (calcium, uric acid, struvite, etc.) influences the choice of PCNL procedure and surgical techniques.

    Kidney Anatomy

    The anatomy of the kidney, including anatomical abnormalities or kidney anomalies, is considered during patient selection.

    Patient’s General Health

    The doctor evaluates the patient’s overall health to ensure their ability to undergo surgery. Age and pre-existing medical conditions will generally be in consideration in general health.

    Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment:

    Early identification and management of kidney stones through PCNL offer several advantages, including:

    Pain relief and improved quality of life

    PCNL is highly effective in removing kidney stones and relieving associated pain, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities.

    Prevention of complications

    Timely treatment prevents complications such as urinary tract infections, kidney damage, or recurrent stone formation.

    Avoidance of emergencies

    Severe pain or urinary obstruction caused by kidney stones can lead to medical emergencies. Early intervention reduces the risk of such situations.

    Minimized risk of stone growth

    Prompt diagnosis and treatment prevent the growth of kidney stones, reducing the size and complexity of the kidney stone, which can be treatable.

    Lower treatment costs: Early detection and treatment of kidney stones can prevent the need for more invasive procedures in the future. Thus, lower is the cost of treatment.

    PCNL Pre-Procedure: Essential Tests and Evaluations for Safe and Effective Treatment

    Before undergoing Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL), a comprehensive evaluation is essential to ensure the safety and success of the procedure. This article provides a detailed overview of the various tests and evaluations required before PCNL, including blood tests, imaging scans, urine analysis, and more. By understanding the significance of pre-procedure consideration, patients can positively approach PCNL with a scope and optimize their treatment outcomes.

    Blood Tests:

    Blood tests are necessary to know the patient’s internal health and identify potential risk factors. Here are some blood tests performed before PCNL:

    • Complete Blood Count (CBC)

    This test helps evaluate the levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the blood. Hence, providing valuable insights into the patient’s immune system and ability to heal after surgery.

    • Renal Function Tests

    These tests measure parameters such as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine levels, indicating kidney function and detecting any underlying renal issues that may impact the PCNL procedure.

    • Coagulation Profile

    Coagulation tests, with (PT) prothrombin time, platelet count and (APTT) activated partial thromboplastin time. This test assesses a patient’s clotting ability to minimize the risk of excessive bleeding during the procedure.

    Imaging Scans:

    Imaging scans help visualize the kidneys, identify the location and size of the kidney stones, and assess the overall condition of the urinary system. The following imaging techniques are commonly in use.

    CT Scan

    Computed Tomography (CT) scan provides detailed cross-sectional images of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder, enabling precise stone localization and evaluation of kidney anatomy before the PCNL procedure.


    A plain X-ray may help to identify the size, shape, and number of stones in the kidney, providing valuable information for surgical planning.


    Ultrasound imaging uses sound waves to visualize the kidneys and urinary tract. Thus, it helps to identify the stones, their size, and any associated complications.

    Urine Analysis

    A urine analysis can give the details of the composition of kidney stones, identify any urinary tract infections, and evaluate overall kidney function. The key components of a urine analysis include:

    Urine Culture

    This test helps identify the presence of bacteria or other pathogens in the urinary tract, which can lead to infection if not addressed before PCNL.

    Stone Analysis

    The composition of kidney stones is available through stone analysis. This information helps the doctor in treatment, guidance, and evaluating preventive measures.

    Urine Dipstick Test

    The dipstick test evaluates several parameters such as pH levels, blood, protein, and glucose in the urine, providing insights into overall kidney health and potential abnormalities.

    Significance of Pre-Procedure Evaluations:

    The comprehensive pre-procedure evaluations before PCNL are vital for several reasons:

    Accurate Diagnosis: The tests and evaluations help determine the size, location, and composition of kidney stones, ensuring a precise surgical plan.

    Risk Assessment: Assessing blood parameters and kidney function helps identify potential risks and complications, allowing the medical team to take necessary precautions during the PCNL procedure.

    Treatment Planning

    By analyzing the test results, urologists can tailor the PCNL procedure to suit individual patient needs, optimizing the chances of successful stone removal and reducing the risk of complications.

    PCNL During Procedure: Types and Surgical Techniques

    When it comes to Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL), there are three types of procedures available. These include standard PCNL, mini-PCNL, and ultra-mini PCNL. The treatment plan for PCNL in India depends on various factors, such as patient characteristics and the nature of the kidney stone. This section will delve into the different types of PCNL procedures, the criteria for patient selection, and an overview of the surgical techniques involved.

    Types of PCNL Procedures:

    1. Standard PCNL:

    Standard PCNL is the traditional and most commonly performed PCNL procedure. It is suitable for patients with kidney stones (large) or complex stone compositions. The procedure involves creating a small incision in the back, through which a nephroscope passed helps to visualize and remove the stones. It requires general anaesthesia and can typically take place in an operating room.

    1. Mini-PCNL:

    Mini-PCNL (minimally invasive PCNL) is a modified version of standard PCNL. It utilizes smaller instruments and requires a smaller incision, resulting in less post-operative pain and shorter recovery time. Mini-PCNL is suitable for patients with medium-sized kidney stones, and the procedure takes place on an outpatient basis. Local or regional anaesthesia may be very popular for this procedure.

    1. Ultra-mini PCNL:

    Ultra-mini PCNL is the latest advancement in PCNL techniques. It involves the usage of even smaller instruments and requires a tiny incision, usually less than 10mm. Ultra-mini PCNL is particularly suitable for patients with small kidney stones. The procedure will be under local or regional anaesthesia; patients can experience minimal discomfort and faster recovery.

    PCNL Procedure- Surgical Techniques Overview:

    The PCNL procedure in India involves the following key steps:

    1. Preoperative Preparation: The patient’s medical history is under observation before the procedure. Necessary preoperative tests and evaluations are conducted based on this history. This preparation is to ensure patient safety during the treatment.
    2. Anesthesia Administration: General anaesthesia, regional anaesthesia, or local anaesthesia with sedation is administered to ensure patient comfort and pain control.
    3. Imaging Guidance: Fluoroscopy or ultrasound imaging helps to locate and visualize kidney stones.
    4. Incision and Access: A small incision is made in the patient’s back, allowing access to the kidney.
    5. Nephroscope Insertion: Nephroscope, a thin tube with a light and camera, is inserted through the incision to visualize the stone and surrounding structures.
    6. Stone Removal: Techniques such as lithotripsy (breaking the stone into smaller fragments) or basket extraction are employed to remove kidney stones.
    7. Drainage and Closure: At the end of the procedure, a drainage tube helps to allow any fluid or stone fragments to drain. The incision can be closed with the help of adhesive strips or sutures.

    PCNL Post-procedure: Importance of Care and Recovery for Optimal Healing

    After undergoing Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL), it is crucial to prioritize post-operative care and follow the prescribed guidelines to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal healing. This section will discuss the importance of post-procedure care, provide detailed instructions for managing pain, offer dietary modifications, highlight the significance of follow-up appointments, and outline the expected recovery timeline while addressing possible complications.

    Importance of Post-procedure Care:

    Following PCNL, proper post-operative care plays a vital role in the overall success of the procedure. It helps in preventing complications, promotes healing, and minimizes discomfort.

    Adhering to the following instructions is crucial:

    Rest and Recovery

    Allow yourself ample time for rest and avoid strenuous activities during the initial days after the procedure. Follow the specific guidelines provided by your healthcare team regarding physical exertion limitations.

    Incision Care

    Keep the incision site clean and dry to minimize the risk of infection. Follow the provided instructions for dressing changes and maintaining proper hygiene.

    Pain Management

    After PCNL, it is common to experience pain and discomfort. Your healthcare team will prescribe appropriate pain medications. Follow these guidelines to manage pain effectively:

    Take Medications as Prescribed

    Follow the prescribed medication schedule strictly to control pain. Do not skip or exceed the recommended dosage without consulting your doctor.

    Apply Ice Packs

    Applying cold compression can help to decrease swelling and alleviate pain in the surgical area. However, the ice pack has to be around the suture in a cloth or towel to prevent direct contact with the skin.

    Dietary Modifications:

    Proper hydration and nutrition are a must for the healing process. Follow these dietary modifications:

    Increase Fluid Intake

    Drink ample water and other fluids to maintain hydration. Adequate hydration promotes kidney function and helps flush out any remaining stone fragments.

    Follow a Balanced Diet

    Eat vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid excessive salt, processed foods, and sugary drinks, as they can affect kidney health.

    Follow-up Appointments:

    Regular follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider are crucial to monitor your recovery progress and address all concerns. These appointments help ensure the success of your PCNL procedure. Be sure to:

    Attend all Scheduled Visits

    The patient needs to keep track of her follow-up appointments and to make sure and attend them.

    Communicate with Your Healthcare Provider

    During these appointments, share any discomfort, unusual symptoms, or concerns you experience. Open and honest communication is essential for your doctor to provide appropriate guidance.

    Recovery Timeline and Possible Complications:

    Recovery from PCNL varies from person to person, depending on factors such as the size of the stone, overall health, and adherence to post-operative care. While each case is unique, you can expect a general recovery timeline.

    Initial Days

    During the first few days, the patient has to focus on rest, pain management, and proper incision care. You may experience some discomfort and mild bruising, which is normal.

    First Week: Pain and swelling should gradually subside as the day progress. However, fatigue and mild discomfort may persist. Follow dietary modifications and continue taking medications as prescribed.

    Weeks 2-4: By this stage, most patients experience significant improvement in their overall condition. Pain should be minimal, and energy levels should increase. Resume light activities as advised by your doctor.

    Possible Complications

    While PCNL is generally safe, potential complications may arise. These can include bleeding, infection, damage to surrounding structures, or residual stone fragments. Adhering to post-operative care instructions and attending follow-up appointments help detect and manage complications promptly.

    PCNL Risks and Complications: Ensuring Safe and Successful Treatment

    Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is usually considered a safe and effective procedure for treating kidney stones. However, like any surgical intervention, there are certain risks and potential complications associated with PCNL. In this section, we will discuss the potential risks and complications of PCNL in detail.

    Infection Risks:

    Infection is a possible complication following PCNL. While strict sterile techniques are generally operative during the procedure, there is always a risk of bacteria entering the urinary system. This risk can be at ease by choosing a hospital with robust infection control protocols and experienced surgical teams who adhere to strict hygiene measures. Post-procedure patients have to take antibiotics to prevent or treat all potential infections.


    Bleeding is another possible complication associated with PCNL. Certain patients may be at a higher risk of bleeding profusely, especially clotting disorders or the patient taking blood-thinning medications. Experienced surgeons are adept at managing bleeding during the procedure, and hospitals with well-equipped operating rooms and blood banks are better prepared to handle any potential complications.

    Injury to Surrounding Structures:

    The proximity of the kidneys to other vital structures in the body presents a potential risk during PCNL. Organs like the bowel, liver, or spleen can get injured. The use of advanced imaging techniques can minimize the risk of injury. Fluoroscopy or ultrasound guidance is extensively useable to locate and target the kidney stone precisely. Experienced surgeons are skilled at navigating these delicate structures, reducing the risk of injury.

    Stone Fragmentation Complications:

    PCNL involves breaking down kidney stones into smaller fragments for removal. These stone fragments may occasionally migrate into the ureter or bladder, causing blockages. However, the risk of stone migration can be less by using techniques like a stone retrieval basket or a ureteral stent to facilitate the passage of fragments. Close monitoring and follow-up care can also help promptly identify and address potential complications.

    PCNL Treatment in India: A Preferred Destination for Effective Kidney Stone Treatment

    PCNL Hospitals in India

    India has emerged as a preferred destination for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) treatment due to its advanced medical infrastructure, highly skilled doctors, and cost-effectiveness. Patients worldwide choose India for PCNL procedures, seeking top-notch healthcare services at affordable prices. The best hospitals in India are well-equipped with advanced imaging systems, including CT scans, ultrasound, and fluoroscopy, ensuring accurate diagnosis and precise treatment planning for PCNL procedures. This advanced infrastructure enhances the success rate and safety of PCNL treatment in India. The PCNL hospitals in India have earned a reputation for their urology and PCNL procedures expertise. The Indian hospital’s urologists are well-versed in the latest advancements and techniques in PCNL, ensuring that patients receive the most advanced and effective treatment options available.

    1. Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi.
    2. BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi.
    3. Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon, Haryana.
    4. Seven Hills Hospital, Hastinapur, Hyderabad.
    5. Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon.
    6. Shalby Hospital, Surat, Gujarat.
    7. Aster Medcity, Kochi, Kerala.
    8. Jaypee Hospital, Greater Noida.
    9. Medanta The Medicity, New Delhi.
    10. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.
    11. Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi.
    12. Venkateshwar Hospital, New Delhi.
    13. Manipal Hospital, New Delhi.
    14. Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai.
    15. Apollo Hospital, Chennai.

    PCNL Doctors in India:

    India is home to a vast pool of highly skilled and experienced urologists, nephrologists and specialists in PCNL procedures. These specialists undergo extensive training and are well-versed in the latest techniques and advancements in kidney stone treatment. With their expertise and knowledge, PCNL doctors in India deliver exceptional patient care and consistently achieve successful outcomes in PCNL procedures. It is crucial to consider PCNL as an effective treatment option for kidney stones. The success rate of PCNL, coupled with high patient satisfaction, makes it a preferred choice among patients and urologists. With its ability to remove kidney stones of varying sizes and compositions, PCNL offers a reliable solution to the often-painful condition.

    • Dr N P Gupta, Medanta The Medicity, New Delhi.
    • Dr Ashish Sabharwal, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi
    • Dr Rajiv Yadav, Fortis Memorial Institute, Gurgaon.
    • Dr Rakesh Kapoor, Medanta The Medicity, New Delhi.
    • Dr Anant Kumar, Max Speciality Hospital, Delhi.
    • Dr Rajesh Taneja, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi
    • Dr Vikram Barua Kaushik, Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon.
    • Dr Shafiq Ahmed, BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi.
    • Dr Atul Goswami, Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi.
    •  Dr Suresh Kumar Rawat, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi
    • Dr Yajvender Pratap Singh Rana, BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi.
    • Dr Pradeep Kumar Bansal, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon
    • Dr Ashish Kumar, BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi.
    • Dr Rajesh Ahlawat, Medanta The Medicity, New Delhi.
    • Dr S. V. Kotwal, Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon.

    Cost of PCNL Treatment in India:

    One of the advantages of choosing PCNL treatment in India is its cost-effectiveness. The PCNL procedures cost in India is less than in many developed or developing countries. Patients can receive world-class medical care at a fraction of the cost, making India an attractive option for individuals seeking affordable yet high-quality PCNL treatment. In comparison to countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, or Australia, where medical costs can be excessive, India offers PCNL treatment at considerably lower prices. Patients can save substantial money while receiving the same standard of care and expertise from highly skilled medical professionals.

    Comparison of PCNL Treatment Costs:

    1. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy: Rs.88,000 to Rs.130240

    Delhi Rs.199800 to Rs.266400

    Hyderabad Rs.45,000 to Rs.180,000.

    Bangalore Rs.45,024 to Rs.1,78,125

    Mumbai Rs.65,000 to Rs.75,000

    Pune Rs.65,000 to Rs.75,000

    Treatment and Cost range

    Removal of Kidney Stones Rs.88800 to Rs.118400

    PCNL Rs.97680 to Rs.130240

    Right PCNL With Left DJ Stenting Rs.133200 to Rs.177600

    Remember, your health and well-being should always be the top priority, and choosing the right hospital and medical professionals can make all the difference in your PCNL treatment journey.


    Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy PNCL Surgery

    Top PCNL Surgeons in India

    Wide kidney & ureteral stones were traditionally removed via open surgery, which necessitated a large incision on the patient’s flank. An incision of less than one centimeter wide is all that is required for percutaneous nephrolithotomy, which reduces the risk of infection and blood loss as well as the length of hospitalization. There is a better success percentage for cleaning all stones in one setting with this approach compared to the more common treatments like ESWL, which need many operations. Henceforth, this surgery is critical and requires assistance from expert doctors. Al Afiya Medi Tour is here to help you if you are a non-Indian resident searching for the most skilled percutaneous nephrolithotomy Doctor in India who can give you exceptional treatment at a cost that is reasonable to you. We are a well-known medical tourism firm that has established connections with a variety of hospitals and collaborates with a sizable number of well-known medical professionals. As a direct consequence of this, we are able to perform the most successful operation in India. Our seasoned experts are ready to provide you with a helping hand in putting together that link at your earliest convenience. Al Afiya Medi Tour gives all the information you want to learn about the specialists operating in their sector.

    Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy PNCL Surgery

    Best PCNL Surgery Hospitals in India

    When picking the most suitable percutaneous nephrolithotomy, the hospital in India that you go to for the procedure is an incredibly crucial factor to consider. It is quite possible that you will be confused about which hospital you should go to, particularly if you do not typically reside in India. If you do not normally live in India, you will most likely be baffled as to which hospital you should go to. Al Afiya Medi Tour believes in providing patients with the best possible medical treatment and medical knowledge at costs that are as cost-effective as feasible. All the treatment choices we provide to our customers come from well-known establishments in India, and we allow them to choose between surgical and non-surgical procedures.

    All of our employees are highly qualified professionals that not only have years of experience but also have prestigious certifications. These professionals in the medical field are available at any time of the day or night to help you with any of your urgent medical needs and concerns. They are standing by to provide a hand. Al Afiya Medi Tour focuses on collaboration with several other hospitals that are generally acknowledged to be among the best in their respective specialties. This not only broadens the scope of our expertise but also gives patients a variety of options to choose from when it comes to their treatment at prices that provide an amazing value for the amount of money spent.

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    Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy PNCL Surgery

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      Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy PNCL Surgery

      Cost of PCNL Surgery in India

      Patients worldwide go to India for its low treatment costs, making it one of the world’s most popular destinations for medical tourists. The cost of PCNL Surgery therapy in India should be known if you are planning to go to India for the procedure. Hospital to hospital, city to city, and doctor to doctor all affect the cost of PCNL Surgery treatment/surgery in India. You may reach us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for information on how much PCNL Procedure surgery in India will cost you. You may get assistance from our team of medical experts. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy cost in India (PCNL) varies from Rs. 47,275 to Rs. 1,87,031, depending on a variety of parameters.

      Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy PNCL Surgery

      Success Rate of PCNL Surgery in India

      Your surgeon will usually schedule a follow-up visit for you 4-6 weeks following surgery. Nephrostomy tubes are used to empty kidneys. Thus, you may be discharged earlier if you have one.

      It’s possible that you’ll be given an ultrasound, X-ray, or CT scan to check for any remaining kidney stones and to make sure that urine is flowing from the kidney as it should. After administering a local anesthetic, your doctor will remove your nephrostomy tube if you have one.

      Your surgeon or primary care physician may order blood tests to determine the source of the kidney stones. If you’d like, you may also discuss measures to prevent kidney stones from occurring in the future.

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        FAQs (FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions))

        Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy PNCL Surgery

        What is PNCL Surgery?

        PNCL surgery in India is the best technique to remove unwanted stones in your kidney or upper ureter. Besides this, it can drain out the urine from the kidney to the bladder region to feel easy.

        What is robotic PNCL Surgery?

        PNCL surgery is an effective method to remove the large particles of stones in your kidney. But, PNCL surgery in India takes much time beyond your expectations. To get the quick relief effect, scientists have invented artificial device robotic devices to let surgeons do surgery properly. It is easy to use and find reliable accuracy in your desired operation procedure.

        What are the types of PNCL Surgery? 

        The variety in the PNCL surgery depends upon the diameter used in the sheath. The main versions of the PNCL surgery in India are standard PCNL, Mini PCNL, Ultra mini, and Micro PNCL. The diameter varies 22-30 Fr, 14-20 FR, 11-13 Fr, to less than 11 respectively.

         How much time it will take for PNCL Surgery in India?

        The time range for doing the PNCL surgery in India is around 3-4 hours. In this process, the surgeon does a one-cm incision in the patient’s flank area. During this procedure, it goes through X-ray guidance.

        Who can get PNCL Surgery in India?

        If certain patients are likely to have large and small stones, then they are in the prime need to get PNCL surgery in India under the guidance of a veteran doctor.  Apart from this, their body yields the maximum calcium formation, and other resembling materials.

        What are the precautions after PNCL Surgery in India? 

        One should have to take the deserved precaution after taking PNCL surgery in India. One should not take blood thinner medicines such as aspirin, Advil, Mortin, Aleve, and ibuprofen. Apart from this, one should take a complete rest up to one week and never go with the heavy lifting process.

        What is the PNCL Surgery success rate in India? 

        The stone clearance facility with PNCL surgery success rate in India is around 71.4 percent. But, you get a sigh of relief from stone’s pain after this surgery after its treatment. The PNCL surgery success rate in India inspires you to take this treatment.

        What is the PNCL Surgery cost in India?

        The PNCL surgery cost in India makes fluctuations in the range of INR 7, 275 to INR 1, 87, 031. The PNCL surgery price in India might vary on numerous factors such as hospital facility, surgeon’s experience and many more.

        What is robotic surgery cost in India?

        For getting the robotic surgery cost in India, robotic PNCL cost cannot declare on rough estimation. One should ask for the deserved help from your surgeon. The robotic surgery price in India might be higher than PNCL surgery.

        What are the top 10 best PNCL Surgery hospitals in India?

        Answer: If you are eager to ace the kidney stone complication, then you should end your search with the best PNCL surgery hospitals in India. Go with the hospital near your location. Glance on top PNCL surgery hospitals in India list as follows.

        1. Medanta The Medicity.
        2. Artemis Hospital.
        3. Fortis Memorial Research Institute.
        4. Fortis Escorts Heart Institute.
        5. Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital.
        6. Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital.
        7. Blue Ribbon Prostate Clinic.
        8. Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre
        9. Max health care
        10. Indraprastha Apollo hospital

        No matter which top PNCL surgery hospitals in India you contact, you can get rid of stone pain without taking too much time.

        What are the top 10 best PNCL Surgery surgeons in India?

        Answer: The top 10 best PNCL surgeons in India provide you the superb treatment to fight small and big stones in your liver. It would be good if you could go with the top colon cancer surgeon in India. Take the round tour of this list.

        1. Dr. Anupam Bhargava
        2. Dr. Pawan Kesarwani
        3. Dr. H. S. Bhatyal
        4. Dr. Anant Kumar
        5. Dr. Anil Kumar Varshney
        6. Dr. Anjani Kumar Agrawal
        7. Dr. Avanish Arora
        8. Dr. Shailendra Kumar Goel
        9. Dr. Vimal Dassi
        10. Dr. Vijay Kumar

        As per review and rating of the best colon cancer surgeon in India, you can take the surgery from them.

        How can I apply or get or book an appointment for PNCL surgery in India?

        Answer: If you are interested to apply for PNCL surgery in India, then you can end your search with and know the doctor’s availability. Once you book an appointment for PNCL surgery in India, you can find the deserved date for this purpose and be free from kidney stone pain.

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