Abdominoplasty Treatment
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    Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)- Surgery, Cost, Procedure, Surgeon, Recovery, & Risks

    Tummy tuck(Abdominoplasty), represents a cosmetic surgical intervention aimed at removing surplus skin and fat from the abdominal region alongside tightening the underlying muscles. This treatment can help you achieve a flatter and more toned stomach, making it a popular choice for those who have undergone significant weight loss or pregnancy. Suppose you are considering tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery  in India. In that case, you have made a wise choice as the country has some of the best hospitals and doctors experienced in performing this procedure.
    This article will look closely at everything you need to know about abdominoplasty treatment in India, including the best hospitals, top doctors, and the costs involved. So, whether you want to enhance your appearance or improve your self-confidence, read on to discover more about this life-changing procedure.
    Understanding Abdominoplasty Treatment
    The main motive of Abdominoplasty treatment is to eliminate the extra skin and fat from the abdomen while concurrently tightening the abdominal muscles to attain a flatter and more toned stomach. Abdominoplasty is frequently considerable by people who have undergone significant weight loss or experienced pregnancy, resulting in surplus skin that proves resistant to conventional diet and exercise methods.
    The procedure is typically conducted under general anaesthesia and may require two to five hours, contingent upon the extent of the surgical intervention. The proficient surgeon meticulously creates an incision along the lower abdomen during the operative process to skillfully address concerns about excess skin and fat. The muscles are diligently tightened with utmost precision to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome.
    It is imperative to acknowledge that while abdominoplasty can enhance the appearance of the abdominal region, it should not interpret as a means of weight loss. Patients considering this surgical option must maintain a stable weight and have realistic expectations before the procedure.
    Types Of Abdominoplasty Treatment
    Different types of abdominoplasty treatments are in design to address specific concerns and goals. The most common types of abdominoplasty include:
    Traditional Abdominoplasty
    A tummy tuck removes excess stomach skin while tightening weak or separated abdominal muscles (rectus diastasis) for a firmer and flatter abdomen. Liposuction can often combine with other body sculpting and contouring procedures for further enhancing effects.
    An extensive physical evaluation can help identify the optimal abdominoplasty technique based on factors like excess skin, muscle laxity, and fat distribution. Traditional abdominoplasty may suit patients with significant excess skin in the lower abdomen and looseness above the belly button.
    A tummy tuck is an intensive surgical procedure requiring adequate recovery time and post-op instructions from your surgeon for optimal healing and minimal complications. Expect some bruising and swelling post-surgery, though scars should gradually fade.
    Mini Abdominoplasty
    After pregnancy and substantial weight loss, abdominal muscles and skin can loosen over time and lose their natural elasticity, becoming looser and more susceptible to injury than ever. Diet and exercise alone cannot often remedy this issue.
    Mini Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) is a surgical treatment to tighten excess skin and fat around the lower abdomen. Compared with standard tummy tuck procedures, this one only separates abdominal skin below the navel while liposuctioning fat cells from underneath it.
    Mini tummy tucks may not be appropriate for all patients; those who may benefit most are those with minimal skin laxity, no upper abdominal muscle weakness, or excess fat in their abdominal region. To assess if you qualify, speak to a cosmetic surgeon and select one with extensive experience performing this surgery in licensed facilities.
    Extended Abdominoplasty
    Sagging belly skin can be detrimental to a person’s self-confidence and health, yet having it corrected with a tummy tuck may give more definition to your abdomen and give you confidence back.
    An extended abdominoplasty is an advanced version of a traditional tummy tuck, targeting both abdominal and lower back and hip contouring for improved body contour. In the same way as conventional abdominoplasty procedures, the surgeon tightens loose abdominal muscles while removing excess fat before securing the skin to create a slimmer waistline. Patients with significant flank and buttock fat may add circumferential lipectomy to an extended abdominoplasty procedure to help prevent future fat accumulation in these areas. After surgery, patients must implement lifestyle modifications to avoid the collection in this area – this may involve regular exercise and adopting healthier eating practices.
    High Lateral Tension Tummy Tuck
    High lateral tension abdominoplasty (HLT Abdominoplasty) is an innovative solution for tightening and shaping abdominal tissue after weight loss, often recommended to those experiencing rapid weight reduction.
    This technique provides all the advantages of traditional complete abdominoplasty surgery while adding in the lifting of the lateral flanks (sides). As a result, scars will be less visible after this approach to abdominoplasty.
    Like any surgical intervention, tummy tuck surgery has inherent risks that patients should know. These potential complications encompass seroma, infection, flap necrosis, and hematoma. Nonetheless, such difficulties should be exceedingly rare by diligently following the recommended post-operative care. During your consultation with your physician, these potential risks will be discussed in greater detail, ensuring you are well informed and equipped to make the best decision for your health and well-being.
    Circumferential Abdominoplasty Lower Body Lift
    Circumferential abdominoplasty, or belt lipectomy or 360 abdominoplasty, is today’s most comprehensive and invasive form of body lift surgery. This innovative procedure focuses on addressing loose skin in the lower body area while offering the possibility of combining it with other effective treatments. For instance, patients can complement the procedure with a tummy tuck, which effectively targets muscle laxity, and a flank (outer thigh) lift. The combined approach ensures comprehensive results and helps individuals achieve their desired body contour. This treatment enhances appearance and self-confidence by utilising advanced techniques, giving patients a renewed sense of beauty and vitality.
    Most doctors use a short scar bikini line incision and laser techniques for scar reduction wherever possible. Unfortunately, these don’t eliminate all puckering; some scarring will remain.
    During recovery, patients should eat healthily and refrain from smoking to lower the risk of complications. While pain, bruising, and swelling are likely, they can usually be manageable using medication. Furthermore, the results of this procedure should remain long-lasting as long as the weight remains constant.
    Benefits Of Abdominoplasty Treatment
    Abdominoplasty treatment can provide several benefits, including:
    Improved Appearance
    Diet and exercise alone often fall short of helping individuals attain a flat and toned stomach, especially after weight loss or pregnancy. Abdominoplasty (called tummy tucking) may help those suffering from loose skin or fat deposits that do not respond to lifestyle modifications alone.
    Tummy tuck surgery involves tightening abdominal wall muscles to achieve a flatter, more contoured abdomen with a narrower waistline, using conventional or advanced techniques. Advanced techniques include high lateral tension abdominoplasty, which tightens muscle in horizontal and vertical planes for dramatic results. Infection rates tend to reduce when performed using refined surgical procedures with antibiotic prophylaxis regimens (Level of Evidence I); however, local complications do often arise, including seroma, hematoma, infection, extrusion of sutures hypertrophic scars, umbilical hernia neurological symptoms, respiratory distress or even death (Level of Evidence I).
    Improved Posture
    Abdominoplasty tightens weak abdominal muscles and removes extra fat to produce a firmer abdominal profile, with multiple medical benefits, including improved posture and relieving back pain.
    Women who have lost significant weight or experienced multiple pregnancies often develop protruding bellies that cannot be corrected with diet and exercise alone. A tummy tuck may help restore more toned abdominal areas while decreasing hernia risks by surgically repairing weak or separated muscles.
    Traditional abdominoplasty tightens abdominal muscle tissue along a vertical line. Still, high-lateral tension abdominoplasty extends this tightening to include tightening abdominal muscles lateral to the abdomen for more dramatic and functional benefits than standard techniques.
    Improved Self-Confidence
    A tummy tuck is an effective body contouring treatment for individuals who have lost significant amounts of weight yet continue to carry excess fat and loose, stretched skin. As well as helping individuals feel more confident about their bodies, a tummy tuck may also provide significant health benefits, including improved posture, reduced back pain, and urinary incontinence caused by weak or separated abdominal muscles.
    High lateral tension abdominoplasty, an innovative new technique, tightens abdominal muscles and vertical lines – producing flatter and more toned abs. The procedure typically lasts four or five hours, with recovery taking several weeks post-surgery.
    The outcomes of a tummy tuck procedure are considered enduring, provided one maintains a health-conscious lifestyle encompassing consistent physical activity and a well-balanced, nutritious diet. Abdominoplasty should not contemplate as weight-loss surgery but as part of an overall plan.
    Long-lasting Results
    Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck surgery) can produce immediate and long-lasting results for its patients. This procedure tightens abdominal muscles, extracts excess fat, repairs hernias, and tightens skin folds beneath the belly button or natural fold to produce a slimmer stomach. Incisions are concealed beneath the natural creases of the abdominal area, making them invisible when wearing swimwear or bikinis.
    Tummy tuck surgery may also alter how your body responds to hunger and fullness due to hormones, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight. It can extend its effects and enhance overall health benefits by lowering risks related to chronic diseases, mobility challenges, or premature signs of ageing.
    Risks of Abdominoplasty Treatment
    We shall delve into some of the most prevalent hazards and the precautions that can effectively mitigate them.
    ● Bleeding
    One of the most significant risks of abdominoplasty is bleeding. Usually, there might be some bleeding during and after the procedure, but excessive bleeding may require a blood transfusion or additional surgery to stop the bleeding. It is advisable for patients to avoid aspirin and other blood-thinning medications for at least two weeks before the procedure and to follow their surgeon’s pre and post-operative instructions to prevent the risk of bleeding.
    ● Infection
    Infection is always a risk during surgical procedures, and abdominoplasty is no exception. An infection can develop at the incision site or other areas, requiring antibiotics or additional surgery to remove infected tissue. To prevent infection, patients must keep the surgical area clean and dry, avoid smoking, and follow any other instructions their surgeon provides.
    ● Scarring
    Scarring is a common side effect of any surgery, and abdominoplasty is no different. The incision’s size and location will determine the scar’s size and location, and while surgeons take great care to minimise scarring, it is an unavoidable part of the healing process. To minimise the appearance of scarring, patients should avoid direct sunlight, use silicone-based scar creams, and follow their surgeon’s instructions throughout the healing process.
    ● Numbness
    Numbness is another common occurrence after abdominoplasty, but it is usually temporary and will resolve over time. During the procedure, the nerves in the abdominal area are straightened out or cut, causing temporary loss of sensation. The sensation will usually return within several weeks or months of the procedure. Patients should avoid rubbing or scratching the numb area, as this can cause more damage to already sensitive nerves.
    ● Blood Clots
    Blood clots can develop after any surgical procedure, including abdominoplasty. Surgery can cause blood to pool in the extremities, increasing the risk of blood clots. To minimise the risk of blood clots, your surgeon will likely advise you to move around as soon as possible after surgery and may prescribe blood-thinning medication.

    Precautionary Measures

    • Improved Hygiene
      Excess skin from your abdomen must be surgically removed to appear clean and healthy, leaving scars that will gradually fade over time. You will receive instructions from your plastic surgeon on how best to care for the wound to minimise scarring appearance.
      Surgical drains are in use to help reduce fluid accumulation in wounds. Be sure to clean these frequently for best results, and if experiencing extreme itching, seek medical advice, as an antihistamine may help ease itching symptoms.
      Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), commonly called abdominoplasty, removes excess skin that accumulates due to pregnancy or significant weight loss and strengthens weak abdominal wall muscles. Unfortunately, abdominoplasty cannot erase stretch marks nor correct lower abdominal sagging caused by age or consequential weight loss.

    Abdominoplasty Treatment Recovery

    A tummy tuck is a marvellous option for men and women with excess skin, fat, and lax muscles in their abdominal area. The disparity between a full tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck lies in the extent of the procedure and the target area for treatment. A full tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, involves a comprehensive surgical intervention to address excess skin, fat, and muscle laxity across the entire abdominal region. This procedure typically necessitates a longer incision, which allows for the correction of upper and lower abdominal concerns. On the other hand, a mini tummy tuck focuses on addressing localised concerns in the lower abdomen. It involves a smaller incision, primarily targeting the area below the belly button. This procedure is for individuals with minimal skin and fat excess and relatively intact abdominal muscles in the upper region. It is evident that you will develop a scar after undergoing a tummy tuck procedure. However, it is essential to note that the spot is typically discreetly situated beneath the natural crease under clothing or swimwear. The precise length of the scar will be contingent upon the scope of the procedure and the quantity of skin that necessitates removal. Your surgeon will collaborate with you to diminish the visibility of the scar and ensure its proper healing process over time. In most cases, patients should allocate a minimum of two weeks to refrain from work and other routine activities. During this recuperative phase, it is crucial to abstain from strenuous physical exercises and exercise caution to prevent undue pressure on the incision until its complete healing. Typically, patients achieve full recovery within six weeks Good candidates are typically healthy, have realistic expectations for the procedure’s outcome, and can maintain a healthy lifestyle after the surgery. Your surgeon will evaluate your health history, current health, and goals to determine if you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck The results of abdominoplasty are long-lasting, but it’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain the results. Eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding weight gain will help you maintain your new shape. However, if you become pregnant or experience significant weight fluctuations, you may need revision surgery to maintain your results.
    Best Hospitals for Abdominoplasty Treatment in India
    India has several hospitals that are well-equipped to perform abdominoplasty treatment. The hospitals have experienced and dedicated teams of doctors who take care of the patients thoroughly. Al-Afiya Medical Tourism is associated with the top hospitals and doctors in India and can help national and international patients with treatments. The top hospitals for abdominoplasty in India provide a pleasant atmosphere, which in turn help’s the patients to recover sooner. India has several hospitals throughout the country that can provide treatment, and Al-Afiya can help you to connect easily with the hospitals.
    Here are some of the best hospitals for abdominoplasty treatment in India:
    Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
    Medanta-The Medicity, Gurugram
    Jaslok Hospital And Research Centre, Mumbai
    Artemis Hospital, Delhi
    Manipal Hospital, Delhi
    Fortis Hospital, Noida
    Columbia Asia Hospital
    BLK Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi
    Metro Hospital, Delhi
    Marengo QRG Hospital, Delhi
    Dr Batras Healthcare, Delhi
    BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi
    Fortis Hospital, Mumbai
    Apollo Hospital, Chennai
    Top Doctors For Abdominoplasty Treatment in India
    Abdominoplasty treatment in India is highly appreciated as the doctors in India are exceptionally good in the field. Al-Afiya Tourism has strong communication with the top doctors and can be an easy catch for the patients or attendees. These doctors are highly skilled and have years of experience doing tummy tuck surgeries, and their patients have reported excellent results. The best doctors for abdominoplasty in India have a dedicated team which can help the patients to follow medical dosages and other instructions. The cost can vary from different hospitals in different cities and can differ in the treatment in consideration. Listed below are few doctors best in the field –

    Dr. Mohan Thomas
    Dr. Lokendra Singh
    Dr. Anshuman Manaswi
    Dr. Ajaya Kashyap
    Dr. Milind Wagh
    Dr. Amish Mhatre
    Dr. Cyrus B. Wadia
    Dr. Suresh Rao
    Dr. Prajesh Bhuta
    Dr. Arun Behl
    Dr. Amish Mhatre
    Abdominoplasty Treatment Cost in India
    The cost of abdominoplasty surgery in India varies depending on several factors, including the type of procedure, the hospital, and the doctor’s fees. The average abdominoplasty surgery(Tummy Tuck) cost in India for a traditional abdominoplasty ranges from INR 1,50,000 to INR 3,50,000. The cost of a mini abdominoplasty ranges from INR 75,000 to INR 1,50,000, while an extended abdominoplasty ranges from INR 2,50,000 to INR 5,50,000.
    It is important to note that the procedure cost should not be the only factor when choosing a hospital or doctor for abdominoplasty surgery in India. Selecting a qualified and experienced surgeon who can deliver the best results for your specific needs is essential. Depending on your goals, a tummy tuck can work with other procedures, such as liposuction or breast augmentation. Combining techniques can reduce the overall cost and recovery time since you’ll have one surgery instead of multiple surgeries. However, discussing the benefits and risks of combining procedures in consultation with your surgeon is essential. Choosing the right doctor with the necessary skills and experience should be the top priority instead of just focusing on the abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) surgery cost in India. Hiring a qualified surgeon is essential to ensure the best results for your needs. Abdominoplasty treatment can be life-changing for people who have extra skin and fat in the abdominal area. India has some of the best hospitals and doctors experienced in performing this procedure. However, it is essential to research and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon who can deliver the best results for your specific needs. With the right surgeon and hospital, you can achieve a flatter and more toned stomach and improve your overall appearance and self-confidence.

    Abdominoplasty Treatment
    • Dr. Amitabh Singh

      Dr. Amitabh Singh

      Empanelled Consultant , MBBS, MS, MCh

      Plastic Surgeon

      12 Years of Experience

    • Dr. R.K Seth

      Dr. R.K Seth

      Senior Consultant , MCh, MS, MBBS

      Plastic Surgeon

      33 Years of Experience

    Abdominoplasty Treatment

    If you are planning for Abdominoplasty Treatment in India and searching for the best Abdominoplasty Treatment hospital in India then no worries. Al Alfiya Medi Tour is ready for helping you. We have a team of experienced healthcare consultants. They will help you in finding the best hospital for Abdominoplasty Treatment in India. You can choose any top Abdominoplasty Treatment hospital in Delhi, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Noida, Chennai, Mumbai, etc. The list of Abdominoplasty Treatment hospitals in the main cities- Delhi, Mumbai, Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad, etc. in India with complete details such as hospital address, phone number, city, and best doctors list, etc. is given below. You can book an online appointment with any hospital now.

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      India is one of the top emerging medical tourism countries in the world due to the affordable treatment cost in India for patients from any county around the globe. If you are going for Abdominoplasty Treatment treatment in India, you should know the Abdominoplasty Treatment treatment cost in India. The cost of Abdominoplasty Treatment treatment/surgery in India varies from hospital to hospital, city to city and it also depends on the doctor's fee. If you want to know about the exact Abdominoplasty Treatment surgery cost in India then contact us anytime 24x7. Our healthcare consultants will help you.

      Abdominoplasty Treatment

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        FAQs (FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions))

        Abdominoplasty Treatment

        What is tummy tuck surgery?

        Abdominoplasty, commonly known as tummy tuck surgery, is a cosmetic surgical procedure. It is performed to improve the appearance and shape of the abdomen area. Those people who face difficulty with excessive fat in the abdominal region can go ahead with the surgery to get a more shaped and fit abdomen.

        During the process, the surgeon will get rid of abdominal area’s excess fat and skin, and the connective tissues present in the abdomen are labeled using sutures. The remaining skin is then contoured for a more toned and refined look.

        Surgery is ideal for those who have access to skin or fat around the belly button area or a weaker lower abdominal wall. It will help boost your body image.

        What is robotic tummy tuck surgery?

        There are now robotic cosmetic surgery options available as well. With the advancement and robotic-assisted tummy surgery procedure, the surgeons will have a better position in the area and will be able to complete the job in a more refined way.

        The robotic platform offers a better dissection of the subcutaneous tissues and the skin of the abdominal wall. The robotic procedure requires only a small incision to preserve the perforated blood vessels, minimize bleeding, and maintain blood circulation to the skin flap.

        It is noted that the surgery performed using this procedure offers smooth and unremarkable results. Thus, it is evident that the surgical procedure in the future will become the new norm.

        What are the types of tummy tuck surgery?

        There are different types of tummy tuck surgery depending upon the amount of excess fat in area. Here is a full breakdown of the same.

        • Full Tummy tuck

        It is performed to improve both the lower and upper abdominal area. The procedure suits patients with weak abdominal muscles or excessive skin around the midsection.

        • Mini Tummy tuck

        The surgery focuses only on the lower abdomen area below the belly button. It is suitable for those who are often close to the ideal weight but have stubborn fat in the abdomen area.

        • Extended Tummy tuck

        The surgery involves full components of a Tummy tuck along with an improvement of the flanks. It is an effective treatment for those patients who have lost a great amount of weight.

        • Fleur-De-Lis Tummy Tuck

        The surgery is the best option for those patients who lost a great weight  and have both horizontal and vertical laxity.

        • Drainless Tummy Tuck

        In the surgery, drains are used temporarily through a small incision. It is used to eliminate the fluid that is built In between the muscle and the skin after the procedure.

        • Tummy Tuck with Liposuction

        The combination is quite common for patients to address body fat issues while also repairing the muscle tissue and eliminating the loose skin.

        • Non-surgical Tummy Tuck

        The procedure has received a great response because of its non-invasive nature. It is perfect for patients with mild or moderate loose fat.

        How much time will it take for tummy tuck surgery in India?

        The time for the surgery will depend entirely on the type of tummy tuck surgery. Generally, it takes about 2 to 3 hours to complete the entire procedure. However, various factors come into play in determining the duration. This will include the amount of excess skin, procedure complexity, the technique used, the fat that needs to be removed, and the skill and experience of the surgeon.

        Along with this, there can be a hospital stay timeline that you need to follow for better recovery.

        Who can get tummy tuck surgery in India?

        The tummy tuck surgery is ideal for eliminating body fat or skin from the abdominal region. It offers a more contoured and refined look. However, there are certain factors that determine who is eligible for the surgery. The surgery will be suitable for those who

        • Lost a significant amount of weight recently
        • Underwent abdominal surgery
        • Pregnant women, especially when they had a C-section
        • Have poor skin elasticity due to the aging concern

        Generally, the tummy tuck surgery is paired up with other body contouring procedures for a better result.

        What are the precautions after tummy tuck surgery in India?

        The tummy tuck surgery will undoubtedly offer great results, but there is also certain downtime after the surgery and precautions you need to follow to achieve the best outcomes.

        • It is recommended to take a good amount of rest and follow it with a good diet for faster recovery.
        • It is always advised to add more fluids to the diet and consider eating large quantities of fruits.
        • Consult the doctor to get pain relief medications. Also, you need to avoid smoking and alcohol consumption during the recovery period, as it can hamper the healing process.
        • Avoid heavy lifting during the recovery time. You can get back to your work schedule only at the time recommended by the surgeon.
        • The incision area must be kept clean. Avoid sun exposure at all costs to keep away any infection risk. Also, make sure to use antibacterial soap for cleaning the incision area.

        What is the tummy tuck surgery success rate in India?

        India has successfully established itself as one of the best places to get tummy tuck surgery. As of now, tummy tuck surgery success rate in India is about 95%. The number of procedures performed in India every year speaks clearly about the quality of treatment one can receive here. The doctor’s expertise and the availability of great infrastructure make it the top place for a safe and successful procedure.

        What is tummy tuck surgery cost in India?

        The tummy tuck surgery cost in India can be between INR 1,50,000 to INR 3,50,000. It will depend upon a lot of factors like the type of tummy tuck surgery, patient’s profile, Hospital expenses, doctor’s fees, additional treatment, and any extra expenses. You will get a clear breakdown of the entire cost in advance. Make sure you compare it and choose the best to get the treatment done.

        What is robotic surgery cost in India?

        There is not much difference in robotic surgery costs in India. It will be the same as a regular tummy tuck surgery. However, the fees will vary depending upon the surgeon’s fees, type of tummy tuck surgery facility, surgery-related expenses, and other factors. The total will come to around INR 1.5-3.5 lakhs.

        What are the top 10 best tummy tuck surgery hospitals in India?

        Getting tummy tuck surgery in India can be the best way because of the great infrastructure and specialist doctors available. If you are looking for the ten best Tummy tuck surgery hospitals in India, then here is a breakdown for ease.

        • Fortis Hospital Gurgaon
        • Manipal Hospital, Bangalore
        • Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon
        • Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai
        • BLK Max Hospital New Delhi
        • Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon
        • Nanavati Max Hospital, Mumbai
        • Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai
        • Max Hospital, Delhi
        • Global Hospital, Parel, Mumbai

        What are the top 10 best tummy tuck surgery surgeons in India?

        Choosing the correct tummy tuck surgery surgeon in India is extremely important. After all, it will determine the results and the experience you will have. Here is the list of the top 10 tummy tuck surgery surgeons in India you can consider to get the treatment done.

        • Ajaya Kashyap – Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram
        • Milind Wagh – Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai
        • Avtar Singh Bath – BLK Hospital, New Delhi
        • Rashmi Taneja – Fortis Rajan Dhall Hospital, Delhi
        • Sandip Jain – Saifee Hospital, Mumbai
        • Vipul Nanda – Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon
        • Antony Aravind – Apollo Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
        • Rakesh K. Khazanchi – Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon
        • Mohan Thomas – Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai
        • Debraj Shome – Fortis Hospital, Mumbai

        How can I apply or get or book an appointment for tummy tuck surgery in India?

        If you want a solution to your medical issue, visit our website, alafiyameditour.com, for the best support. We are here to help you book an appointment for tummy tuck surgery in India at the top hospital. We will connect you with the top surgeons and the hospitals to get the appointment done as soon as possible. It will be a completely reliable, safe and secure process to connect with the country’s top practitioners within minutes.

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